Abolitionist Candidates For America – Patriot Pulpit

Abolitionist Candidates For America

Mission Statement

The mission of Abolitionist Candidates For America is to educate and advocate for a complete and total end to all abortions with no exceptions; to raise up, vet and assist strong moral candidates at every level who have a proven track record of work for abolition; and to work towards making election laws, provisions, and procedures equally and fairly accessible to all Constitutionally qualified American citizens.

Key Principles

1. To support candidates who have been vetted and elected as Abolitionist Candidates For America (hereby referred to as ACFA).

a) Definition of Vetted

Vetted shall mean that a member and/or multiple members of ACFA have researched the background and work of a candidate, have contacted the candidate by phone and feel the candidate might meet ACFA standards based on the research and private phone conversation and therefore, has brought the candidate to ACFA conference calls with a strong majority (hereby defined at 70%) of ACFA members and Advisory Board members present.

b) Definition of Endorsed

Endorsed shall mean that [the ACFA Advisory Board held a meeting and voted unanimously to approve a particular vetted candidate for endorsement] and [then] that an official ACFA conference call was held with chairman Ryan Sharp and/or whom he may choose as chairman to oversee the meeting and vote and with a strong majority of ACFA members present, the same particular vetted candidate receives 70% of the vote from members approving candidate for endorsement.

2. Abolition Definition and Proclamation

a) Abolition is used in the purest definition of the word – to abolish. In terms of abortion, which we define as the illegal, immoral, and unConstitutional shedding of innocent human life, ACFA declares that there is no exceptions for rape, incest, life of the mother or for any other reason that would allow an abortion. Whereas the Declaration of Independence states “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” And whereas, the US Constitution includes posterity in the Preamble. And whereas, the fifth amendment says that no person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; and whereas all US state constitutions prohibit the murder of innocent persons. And whereas, Justice Blackman writes in his Roe vs Wade opinion that persons are protected by the fifth and fourteenth amendments to the US Constitution, we proclaim and demand that all innocent persons be protected and defended by every elected official and every citizen from the moment of fertilization to natural death. ACFA, therefore, rejects all incremental and regulatory approaches, bills, and policies that the so-called “pro-life” industry has implemented since 1972. We reject the work of [any and all entities who refuses to support a complete and total end to all abortions and instead want to keep it, regulate it, and/or ignore it. ACFA members including ACFA Advisory Board members, are required to support ACFA endorsed candidates in order to remain in good standing as a member and shall not give their support in any way to such entities or persons as previously mentioned who by their track record, policy, and/or words show no or inadequate action toward a complete and total end to all abortions.

3. ACFA Candidate Conduct and Expectations

a) Abolitionist Candidates nominated, vetted and endorsed by ACFA must have a clear history of abolition efforts and work and shall not support regulatory or incremental “pro-life” bills; such as but not limited to: “Partial Birth Abortion, Fetal Pain, Sonogram, or Life of the Mother” bills. Instead, ACFA candidates shall positively promote ACFA and the principles we stand for.

b) Candidates are further prohibited from campaigning with, participating with, and/or, or showing any support for candidates who have not been officially endorsed by the ACFA. In politics, “you are who you endorse.” So endorsement or support, regardless of form or method, for political parties, PACS, organizations groups, individuals, or candidates that violate ACFA principles is prohibited.

c) Candidates must understand that they are part of a team/slate of candidates chosen by ACFA and shall work with, campaign with, and support all ACFA candidates to the best of their abilities. They are discouraged from speaking negatively about ACFA, ACFA candidates, ACFA Advisory Board members,ACFA members, ACFA website, or anything else related to ACFA, subject to discretionary authority by the ACFA Advisory Board.

d) Candidates must understand that principle comes first and the ACFA platform, not their name, personal attributes or agenda. ACFA assists officially endorsed candidates with all campaigning; including but not limited to: websites, facebook pages and other social media, advertising, ideas, content, and all material. However, there is no implied requirement by ACFA to do so and no requirement to fund a campaign.

e) Candidates shall use the ACFA designated website, wording, design, and/or layout for their campaign page. They are not permitted to create or use alternate web accounts, pages, groups, PACS, or associations of any kind for campaigning purposes without express written consent of Chairman and from a majority of ACFA Advisory Board members. ACFA wishes to promote the organization and its principles above names and personality cults that could arise. Candidates shall seek advice and assistance from Chairman , ACFA Advisory Board and ACFA members via the ACFA conference call before, during, and after their campaign; once officially endorsed as an ACFA candidate. They shall join ACFA conference calls at least once a month. They shall contribute to ACFA efforts; support the mission, rules, and Key Principles of ACFA, and shall remain a qualified ACFA candidate for future political races if candidate so decides to run again as long as they complete the ACFA election process again.

f) Candidates must understand they represent ACFA and the organization’s team/slate of candidates, and their members and shall conduct themselves accordingly at all times. Unlawful or illegal activity is prohibited. Candidates should reveal any issues to the ACFA Chairman immediately that might be of concern. Chairman will in turn report those issues to the ACFA Advisory Board if such issues are indeed of legal or moral concern. Candidates are not permitted to gossip or spread negative information via media or otherwise about ACFA, the Chairman, ACFA Advisory Board, ACFA members, other ACFA candidates, or any other individual or entity associated with ACFA. If there are concerns, candidate agrees to contact ACFA Chairman and share them immediately. Then the ACFA Chairman will address the concerns if necessary with the affected member or members.

g) Candidates will be terminated upon any breach, whether intentional or otherwise, of the “ACFA Candidate Conduct and Expectations” subsection. Upon termination, candidate will be notified by ACFA Chairman of the decision via phone call and/or email. Candidate’s web page, social media pages and groups associated with the campaign, and other campaign material provided by ACFA shall be removed within 3 days after receiving the termination email from ACFA Chairman. Any other websites, pages, social media pages or groups, printed material, any other digital media or things that might have been created or paid for by candidate that are in any way associated with ACFA must be destroyed within 3 days after receiving the termination email from ACFA Chairman.

4. Election Law Reforms

a) ACFA believes in and affirms the requirement of the US Constitution and the State Constitutions that every citizen have the right to life, liberty, private property, and pursuit of happiness. Every citizen further has the right of representation and of their sovereign vote. We believe these rights come from God, the Creator, and are unalienable as written by America’s founders in the Constitution of the United States. It is therefore necessary that many current election laws, ordinances, rules, and procedures be abolished or changed in order to guarantee the right of every legal citizen to cast a vote for a Constitutionally qualified legal citizen of the United States who represents them. We reject any party, system, or entity in the United States that has violated that most basic right. We reject the refusal of certain local, state, and federal authorities to count all votes, including write-ins. We reject the poll taxes and other burdensome fees and requirements placed on citizens in order to run for political office. We; therefore, propose the following additions/changes be made to election laws in every local and state jurisdiction:

          1. Whereas, political parties are private organizations and not granted taxing power; and whereas, primaries are paid for by taxpayers against their will, and whereas, political parties are not beholden to the vote of the citizens and frequently choose to nominate their own candidates regardless of vote outcomes during their conventions; the members of ACFA demand that Primary elections be abolished.

2) In order to re-institute equal access and civic representation as is required by the Constitution of the United States and in State Constitutions, the members of ACFA demand that all poll taxes, burdensome fees, excessive signature requirements, and all burdensome regulations for citizens seeking political office be abolished. In place of current laws, rules, ordinances, and procedures, we recommend the following:

a) The requirements for every Constitutionally qualified legal citizen seeking to run for political office shall be a $100 fee and a short form completed by at least one other legal US citizen indicating that the he/she wishes to vote for the legal citizen seeking political office. No other requirements or forms shall be necessary beyond ensuring all candidates are legal US citizens and/or naturally born US citizens if such an office requires it and meet the qualifications required in the US Constitution for the particular office they are seeking.

3) To further ensure fairness for every qualified candidate seeking political office and to ensure that legal citizens’ rights of representation be protected, the members of ACFA recommend the following ballot changes/requirements:

a) No party label shall be printed on the ballot. Names of candidates will appear in alphabetical order according to the candidate’s last name for the particular office they seek if printing their name is required according to the following rules: If the number of candidates for a particular office is nine or fewer, then all of the candidates must be printed as previously mentioned. If the number of candidates for a particular office is ten or more, then none of the candidates will be printed on the ballot for that particular office and instead a write-in line will be provided. In such a case, all candidates become write-in candidates only and cannot be printed on the ballot. However, their votes must be counted and tallied fairly and equally.

b) The electorial college system be maintained and non-compulsary voting by all electors of the Electorial College.

IMPORTANT: Abolitionist Candidates For America is founded by Ryan Sharp and the name, this document and all contained within it are the property of Ryan Sharp and shall not be copied, shared, or used for any other purpose except for those of ACFA and Ryan Sharp. If you wish to use this document or the things contained you must obtain express written consent via email from Ryan Sharp. He can be reached at ryan@patriotpulpit.org





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